Smart&Start Italia
Smart & Start Italia is a subsidized financing instrument set up by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, in order to promote, throughout the national territory, the conditions for the diffusion of new entrepreneurship, and support the policies of technology transfer and economic exploitation of the results of the public and private research system.
The facilities can be requested by innovative startups, small companies, individuals or foreign companies that undertake to establish at least one operational headquarters in Italy.
Smart & Start Italia finances projects that include spending programs, ranging between 100 thousand and 1.5 million euro, to purchase investment assets and incur business management costs.
Through this project, launched in March 2016, Vivocha obtained subsidized financing, worth 572,775.00 euros, thanks to which it has constantly invested in the evolution of its technological offer, supporting the recruitment of personnel engaged in improving the solution developed.
Vivocha helps increasing the conversion rate and customer satisfaction through a significant improvement in the online and mobile customer experience.
The objectives set by the project were successfully achieved at the end of the program and confirmed by the growth achieved over the last two years in which the company has progressively established itself both in the domestic as well as in the international markets.